Pakistan is home to a lot of beautiful valleys and tourist destinations. These alluring places include Swat Valley, Kalash Valley, Kalam Valley, Chitral Valley, Kumrat Valley, Hunza Valley, Naran Valley, Dir Valley, Gabin Jabba Valley Gabral Valley, Bahrain Valley, Madyan Valley, Kaghan Valley and many more. Snuggled between Murree and Abbottabad District, Pakistan, there is a cluster of hill stations collectively known as Galiyat. This treasure trove is around 2,410 meters (7,907 feet) above sea level. Before embarking on A Trip to Galiyat, it’s important to abreast the readers about a short history of this dreamland. The Galiyat tracts were first ‘discovered’ by early British colonial officials, such as James Abbott, who ventured into these areas around 1846–47. Finding it climatically conducive, the Britishers began to develop some of the sites in this range as hill resorts to escape the lowlands’ summer heat.


Situated at 7900 ft above sea level, Nathiagali is the heart of Galiyat. It is 35 km northeast of Abbottabad and 270 km from Islamabad, the capital city of Pakistan. These distances may vary slightly depending on the specific route taken.

A trip to Galiyat is never accomplished without exploring Nathiagali; the first hill station tourist to come into contact upon entry in Galiyat. Nuzzled amid the fluctuating and meandering peaks, Natyagali serves as a picturesque resort with its rugged terrain and cooler cliffs. This fairyland beckons with its stunning vistas, alluring rutted paths, and a serenity penetrating the soul. Being at a high altitude, it is much cooler than other parts of the Galyat. In addition to scenic hill stations, Pakistan is also home to fascinating valleys like Swat Valley, Kalash Valley, Kalam Valley, Chitral Valley, Kumrat Valley, Hunza Valley, Naran Valley and many more.

A Trip to Galiyat -Harnoi Lake Abbottabad, Pakistan

Harnoi Lake

 At a distance of around 11 km on the road heading from Abottabad to Nathiagali, the visitors come across the Harnoi Lake, the first scenic destination that welcomes visitors. Surrounded by steep, densely forested mountains, and boasting an idyllic setting, Harnoi is the stunning landmark of Abbottabad. In the proximity of this lake flows Nadi Dhorr, a chilly stream that adds further to the allure of this picturesque land where the weather remains cordial throughout the year.

Both children and adults equally enjoy the moments of leisure around Harnoi Lake. Many small tea stalls, restaurants, and resorts dot the vicinity. Kids usually indulge in playful activities ranging from adrenaline-pumping roller coasters and gentle spins on Ferris wheels to simpler delights like swings. Behind every great story lies an epic hike, winding its way through picture-perfect scenery and nestled in the heart of rugged, lush-green mountains, beckoning adults to strap on their hiking boots. The lovely weather draws large crowds during the summer months; however, winter offers its exceptional allure.

The Harnoi is heaven brimming with scenic views, towering hills covered by tall pine, and streams with transparent water flowing and dancing gracefully throughout the lush landscape. What makes Harnoi Lake special one must also consider the larger context of its surroundings in the Galiyat region.

Imagine a place where tranquillity is the air you breathe and beauty surrounds you from every angle. You’ll find Harnoi Lake filled with the cheerful chatter of locals and tourists, all gathered for a leisurely picnic in its idyllic surroundings

Enjoy Trekking to Mushkpuri Top during A trip to Galiyat

A trip to Galiyat unfolds several hidden corners and adventures for trekkers of all ages and seminars. A similar trekking adventure is the journey to Mushkpuri Top which starts by following a well-trodden path enshrouded by tall pine trees. Strolling amidst the dappled light filtering through pine trees with a cool breeze touching you at an elevation of 9,200 feet above sea level creates a visually interesting and dynamic scene. Don’t just trudge to the top – indulge in the surreal beauty of the lush forests, where leaves rustle and wildflowers bloom, leaving you breathless. Moreover, stunning views that stretch far into northern Pakistan, possibly catch glimpses of Nanga Parbat on a clear day.

Venture beyond the scenic views of Mushkpuri during a trip to Galiyat and immerse yourself in the area’s thriving ecosystem, teeming with birds and filled with tranquillity. Make sure your rucksack includes a water container and snacks because this trek will have you craving both energy and hydration.

Miranjani Trek

If you are an adventure lover and mountain enthusiast, then Miranjani Peak at 9,816 feet is the destination to satiate your spirit. It is the highest ascend through hiking trails in this rugged region between Murree and Abbottabad. Besides, there are more tracks for beginners – one starts from Nathiagali known for its moderate clamber while another more challenging and physically demanding trek begins from Dunga Gali. Climbing this trail has its perks – like stumbling upon hidden gems, such as the truly breathtaking views of Ayubia National Park’s scenic hills, every curve and bend a surprise.

Dugri Trek

Locally known as the “Home of Leopards”, Dugri is a secluded mountain located at a considerable distance from the road. Trekking through Galiyat means walking among the giants – majestic pine trees that stand sentinel over the landscape. A non-stop brisk walk of 9-10 hours from panoramic Nathiagali will take you to this enchanting point. It can also be reached through two more treks. One longer walk takes you to Dugri through Namlimera village around the Meranjani hill, while the other shorter one leads to Meranjani hilltop trekking through the forest.

Prominent Tourist Resorts


A trip to Galiyat opens a window to a lot of excursions and hitherto undiscovered jewels. Dungali, a small Hill Station, situated on the slopes of Mushkpuri Hills, is one of the hidden gems in Galiyat. The hills are thickly wooded and present an exquisite view. Mushkpuri at an elevation of 3100 meters, is the second-highest peak in the area. The track to Lalazar Zoo and Mushkpuri is the most sought-after tourist spot. Hundreds and thousands of tourists trek here during the summer season. The Wildlife Department KPK has developed a mini Zoo at Lalazar hosting Pheasants, Monkeys, Black Bear, and Common Leopards as well as the Snow Leopards.


Thandiani is another gem within the cluster of galyat with mild summer weather. Those in quest of seeking refuge from the sizzling heat of summer find solace here. Where village life can be loud and overwhelming, these untouched landscapes provide a refreshing shelter, a chance to slow down and unwind. Thandiani stands out with its untouched landscapes and serenity making you feel like in a fairyland.

Changla Gali

At a distance of 16 km from Murree, Changla Gali is another tourist resort in the Galiyat area frequented by tourists both from within the country and abroad. It is relatively a secluded hill resort at an elevation of 2559 m. During British rule, it was the headquarters of the Northern Command School of Musketry.


Kharagali is a glorious heaven known for its natural wonders nd tranquillity. Nestled in the heart of KPK, Kharagali boasts awe-inspiring vistas and a peaceful ambience that beckons outdoor enthusiasts to leave their worries behind and indulge in the thrill of discovery. At an altitude of 2347 meters, it is also a very popular mountain resort in the Galiyat region. The visitors sometimes have a casual look at wild animals such as monkeys, bears, Foxes, “Flying squirrels” and even leopards.

Never miss Ayubia during a trip to Galiyat

A constellation of four small hill stations of Khanaspur, Khairagali, Changlagali and Ghoragali Dhaka is called Ayubia. It was named after the late President of Pakistan Ayub Khan who belonged to the Haripur district of Hazara. Ghora Dhaka, with its vibrant mosaic of flora and fauna, beckons to those yearning for an encounter with the pristine beauty of nature. The central place of Ghora Dhaka has a chairlift, which gives a panoramic and mesmerizing view of the surroundings.

Ayubia National Park Abbottabad, KpK Pakistan - A Trip to Galiyat

Ayubia National Park’s Natural Splendor

Imagine a place where green woods stretch as far as the eye can see, where wildlife roams freely in their natural habitat. That’s Ayubia National Park for you, nestled in the heart of Galiyat and covering an impressive area of 3,312 hectares. Imagine slipping into a living, breathing world of natural wonders, where exotic birds flit through the trees and their feathered friends gather in a riot of color and song – welcome to this extraordinary park!

A trip to Galiyat calls from the mountaintops, summoning brave souls to scale their towering heights. Closer to earth, gentle paths unfurl, inviting travellers to surrender to the tranquil beauty of the natural world. In 1930, a pipeline was established to facilitate water supply to Murree, Pakistan’s most frequented hill station. This route traces the pipeline from Donga Gali to Ayubia, covering a span of 4 kilometres. Renowned for its simplicity, the walk along this track typically ranges between 40 to 50 minutes in one direction. It is an easy yet scenic route winding through dense forests offering beautiful views at every turn. Whether you’re here to catch a glimpse of rare birds or soak up the serenity of towering pine trees, Ayubia has something special waiting around each bend.

For families or groups seeking a day out in nature without venturing too deep into wilderness territory, there are well-appointed picnic spots throughout the park. These areas allow visitors to enjoy al fresco meals surrounded by panoramic vistas – think rolling hills meeting clear blue skies. And let’s not forget about photographers who will find countless opportunities to capture stunning landscapes or maybe even wildlife if they’re lucky.

If exploring includes learning more about local flora and fauna, consider taking one of several guided tours available within Ayubia National Park.

A Trip to Galiyat – Accessibility & Transportation

Galiyat, an assemblage of several hill stations in the heart of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, is more than just a picnic spot for nature lovers; it’s a testament to the wonders of Northern Pakistan. With its rolling hills and lush landscapes easily accessible from major cities, planning your journey here might seem like decoding an ancient map. Luckily, the route to this paradise is paved with no bumps at all.

For those embarking from Islamabad or Rawalpindi, known as the twin cities due to their proximity, public transport offers a seamless experience. Coaches and buses regularly ply the main road leading up to Galiyat’s enchanting realms such as Nathia Gali and Dunga Gali. This mode of travel not only lets you soak in scenic views but also ensures that reaching these highlands does not become an odyssey.

If adventure calls louder and driving through winding roads thrills you more than sitting back in comfort, then hitting the road by car will give you control over your voyage timeline. Driving allows spontaneous detours through picturesque villages or stops at roadside eateries offering traditional Pakistani cuisine —transforming your trip into an immersive cultural journey.

Preparing For a Trip To Galiyat: Safety Tips & Essentials

Gearing up for a trek through the lush landscapes of Galiyat demands more than just enthusiasm. Whether you’re aiming to conquer Miranjani Peak or a meander along the serene Harnoi Lake, certain preparations can make your adventure both safe and enjoyable.

Essentials Kit For A Trip To Galiyat

Your backpack is more than storage; it’s your survival kit. Essential items include:

Hiking boots: Ensure they are well-broken-in to avoid blisters during long treks such as Mushkpuri Top or Thandiani.

Walking stick: Not only does it provide stability on uneven trails but also helps conserve energy over long distances.

Aid kit: From band-aids for minor scrapes to medications for unexpected health issues, be prepared for anything nature throws at you.

Beyond gear, consider packing light snacks and plenty of water. Dehydration is sneaky and can hit hardest when enjoying scenic views from high mountain peaks or exploring dense pine forests near Ayubia National Park.

Dressing Appropriately For Weather Variability

The weather in northern Pakistan is notorious for its unpredictability. Layering allows quick adjustments based on changing weather conditions—a necessity whether witnessing Nanga Parbat from Changla Gali’s vantage point or engaging in water sports at artificial lakes within Khyber Pakhtunkhwa’s green expanse. So, to smoothly adapt your travel itinerary to the ever-changing climate of these regions, it’s crucial to stay informed about the seasonal shifts and plan accordingly.

Shopping & Savouring Cuisine during a Trip To Galiyat

If you’re keen on diving into the heart of Pakistani culture, Galiyat’s vibrant bazaar areas and main bazaars are where it’s at. Step into these vibrant destinations and your senses will thank you – the shopping is just the beginning.

With a busy day of market exploration behind you, a plush hotel awaits, offering a peaceful respite where you can gather your thoughts, cherish the trinkets you’ve collected, and maybe even treat your taste buds to a delightful dinner. From intricately designed handicrafts that tell tales of local craftsmanship, to traditional culinary delights that promise an explosion of flavour with every bite, there’s something here for everyone.

Savouring Traditional Pakistani Cuisine

A trip to Galiyat is unfinished without savouring the local cuisine. Roaming tirelessly through lanes adorned with vibrant goods awakens a hunger within. Craving the flavors of Pakistan? Here, food transcends mere sustenance; it embodies an adventure in every fiery burst and nuanced fragrance.

If you are a foodie then never miss the traditional dishes like chapli kebab or biryani served in local eateries. These centuries-old recipes keep passing from one generation to another. Desserts such as gulab jamun or jalebi are also there to provide a sweet course after dinner.

Strolling through the main bazaar makes you feel like stepping into a kaleidoscope of colours and activities. Each shop offers a constantly changing set of colours- from hand-woven shawls to beautifully crafted pottery.

Historic Places in Galiyat

A panaromic view of Governor's House Nathiagali (1923) - A Trip to Galiyat

Governor’s House Nathiagali (1923)

The Governor’s House in Nathiagali, Pakistan, bears a rich historical legacy. Originally built during the British colonial era, it served as a summer retreat for the governors of undivided Punjab.

I have dedicated a decade of service to the Governor’s House in Peshawar. The tradition, deeply rooted and meticulously followed by the Governors of KPK, sees them relocating annually during the summer to this historic residence as a respite from the bustling city life. This period marks a unique administrative phase where governance is conducted from this serene summer retreat. Nestled in Nathiagali, the Governor’s House stands as a symbolic piece of history amidst natural splendour. Its internal walls are adorned with photographs of past governors, each telling tales of the splendid British era.

A Strange Incident during a Trip to Galiyat

It was a practice that every Sunday, the officials of the Governor’s House were free to roam and enjoy nature. The road leading to the Governor’s House spans about 2 kilometres away from the main bazaar of Nathiagali. Towering hills grace one side of this path, while dense forests blanket the other side. As we navigated the final bend towards Governor House in a pitch dark, a lioness suddenly appeared on the road. She kept glancing at Hill repeatedly as if awaiting someone to arrive. Her demeanour wasn’t threatening; however, her reason for halting our passage remained unclear. The driver flashed the headlights in an attempt to catch her attention, yet she remained unbudged.

Suddenly, to our surprise, three cubs made their way down from the hillside to join their mother. Under her lead, this family unit then vanished into the deep forest cover beyond view. The following morning revealed a semi-consumed carcass of a wild boar on an adjacent hillside. It shed light on why these animals ventured near populated regions initially. The next day, the authorities displayed a notice among the employees to ensure their presence within the premises before dusk. This was a memorable incident we faced during a trip to Galiyat.

St. Matthew’s Church Nathiagali

A trip to Galiyat can be more productive if you pay homage to the historical legacy of Britishers. This beautiful church in Nathiagali is steeped in history, its colonial roots evident in every brick and beam. During the British Raj, a serene sanctuary was born, pulling in travelers who crave a moment of stillness amidst life’s chaos.

As you step inside, the outside world melts away, leaving only the gentle murmur of prayers and contemplation. Where ancient forests blanket the landscape and mountain air whispers secrets, a remarkable church preserves the stories of a vibrant cultural legacy.

FAQs about A Trip to Galiyat Kpk Pakistan

Q.1. How far is Galyat from Islamabad?

Ans: Galyat sits roughly 85 km away from Islamabad. A drive takes about 2 to 3 hours, depending on traffic.

Q.2. How does Galiyat of Murree attract sightseers?

AnsZ: Murree’s Galiyat lures visitors with its cool climate, lush greenery, and tall mountains.

Q.3. What is special Nathia Gali for visitors?

Ans: Nathia Gali boasts wildlife, dense forests, and hiking trails.It is also a very tranquil retreat for nature enthusiasts.

Q.4. How far is Galiyat from Abbottabad?

Ans: Galiyat lies around 35 km from Abbottabad. The journey by car usually takes an hour through scenic routes.

Q.5. Can We Cover a Trip to Galiyat in 3 days?

Ans: A trip to Galiyat can be covered within 3 days provided you have a 4×4 heavy vehicle.

Q.6. Can we carry out a trip to Galiyat without a guide?

Ans: To carry a trip to Galiyat without a guide is possible. It is more productive if you have a personal car.

By Munir Jan

With over twenty years of writing experience, I have covered many subjects. Writing content and articles is something that genuinely excites me every time. Making learning enjoyable is what I do best, mixing a good dose of fun with plenty of actionable advice. My regular posts offering helpful perspectives have gradually built up my writing and my standing as an industry pro. Currently, I contribute to my website (, where I've published several articles and content and plan to release more on various topics soon. Right now, I focus mainly on Local and International Tourism/Travelling. Earning my Master’s in English Literature I have taught English literature for many years which has empowered me emblish my writing skill. Thrilled by the prospect of partnering with major names in the industry, I offer not just my writing skills but also genuine excitement about each new assignment.

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