As Turkey’s vibrant heart, Istanbul enchants with its amalgamation of bygone elegance and modern flair. My Journey to Istanbul unveiled a lot of amazing vistas like the spirited symphony of markets, mosques, and especially the Bosphorus before my eyes. Every nook narrated tales; every interaction brought forth discoveries. Picture the mesh of ancient and modern, the east meeting the west, in the mesmerizing city of Istanbul. Accompany us to experience the most striking moments of our journey. Let’s explore the hidden treasures you crave to experience for a long time.

Suleymaniye Mosque.

Nestled in the heart of Istanbul, the Süleymaniaye Mosque is a testament to Ottoman ingenuity and Islamic artistry. Finished in the mid-16th century, the Süleymaniye Mosque remains a majestic testament to Ottoman splendour and Islamic design. Mimar Sinan, the famed architect of the Ottoman era, meticulously designed this mosque with domes and minarets with intricate calligraphy. It’s not just the devout who find solace in the mosque’s sacred space; art lovers and history buffs alike marvel at its timeless elegance. Think of our collective cultural inheritance as a treasure chest overflowing with artefacts, legends, and forgotten rituals – each one a testament to the people who came before us. The mosque continues to be cherished for its spiritual significance and as a masterpiece of cultural heritage.

Hagia Sophia

The most interesting part of my journey to Istanbul was soaking into the beauty of Suleymaniye Mosque, starting by pinning down spots like Hagia Sophia. Next, enjoy leisurely afternoons sipping Turkish tea by the Golden Horn. It is a great spot for a scenic lookout in Istanbul. From this panoramic viewpoint, you can enjoy magnificent, unobstructed views of a waterway called Golden Horn and its surrounding areas. Golden Horn is not Bosphorus but an inlet of Bosphorus. That means both sides of the Golden Horn are on the European continent.

1500-year old Hagia Sophiya mosque Turkey

The Architectural Marvels – Hagia Sophia and Blue Mosque

Situated at the heart of this historic panorama this Hagia Sophia was once a church. Byzantine emperor Justinian I commissioned the construction of this mosque in the 6th century CE (532–537). Later on, it was converted into a museum and then once again its previous entity of the mosque was restored. Its massive dome seems to float above you as if defying gravity—a testament to Byzantine ingenuity. The Hagia Sophia is part of the Historic Areas of Istanbul, a property inscribed on UNESCO’s World Heritage list.


Blue Mosque

Nearby Hagia Sophia is the Blue Mosque (Sultanahmet Camii), with striking blue Inik tiles that give it its name. Their towering minarets offer not only spiritual solace but also some of the most stunning views across Istanbul’s skyline. The Blue Mosque was included in the list of UNESCO World Heritage in 1985 under the name of “Historic Areas of Istanbul”.

The Labyrinthine Alleys of The Grand Bazaar

If walls could talk, those within The Grand Bazaar would speak volumes about commerce through the centuries. This sprawling market has been bargaining in different commodities since 1461. Bargaining for Turkish delights or intricately woven carpets in the planet’s most ancient shopping centres is great fun.

Topkapi Palace

Topkapi Palace, a bastion of Ottoman grandeur, endured through the ages, enveloping courtyards resonant with tales of yore, faithfully serving the Ottoman Sultans.

Sultan Mehmed, the Conqueror, shortly after he conquered Constantinople (now Istanbul) in 1453 ordered the construction of this grand structure. The construction began in 1459 and continued over the years, with subsequent sultans adding to and modifying the palace complex. Throughout hundreds of years, the palace stood as both home and command centre for the sultans.

Grand Bazar

Step right into the heart of Istanbul’s Grand Bazaar, a pulsating centre where culture and trade reigned. It has been enchanting both tourists and townies with its kaleidoscopic charm since the 5th century. Stepping into Istanbul’s Grand Bazaar, you’re plunged into a centuries-old melting pot of trade and tradition. My journey to Istanbul took me back to the 15th century, this grand market stands as one of the oldest and largest of its kind. Wandering the market’s winding alleys, you’ll catch snippets of conversation, scattered hints of exotic ingredients, and glimpses of technique perfected over the years.

My journey to Istanbul let me meander through t of vendors. I stumbled upon a cluttered store shelf overflowing with a wild assortment of goods. These also include Dolmabahçe Palace, which is gracing the banks of Istanbul’s Bosphorus Strait. Picture this: imperial grandeur meets subtlety and restraint, resulting in a distinctive aesthetic that’s both exotic and sophisticated. Constructed in the 1800s, Dolmabahçe Palace dazzled as the Ottoman Empire’s hub of power decked out with sparkling chandeliers and extravagant decor. As the empire expanded, its royal palaces impersonated this sense of progress combining elements of Baroque, Rococo, and Neoclassical design in a grand statement.

Getting Around – My Journey to Istanbul

Navigating Istanbul’s bustling streets resembles a harmonious symphony once you grasp the rhythm. With every stride through Istanbul’s streets, you’re not just moving from one point to another; you’re journeying across centuries of stories etched into the very cobblestones. Sure, you can grab Uber when you’re headed far, but the trams, ferries, and subways are like magic carpets weaving through neighbourhoods without a hitch.

Affordable public transit options won’t strain your wallet, although hailing a cab for an authentic Turkish experience holds its allure. The experience of private transport like Taxis with reasonable fares fluctuating with traffic and time made my journey to Istanbul very enjoyable. For a dash of adventure, the ferry rides across the Bosphorus or bus journeys across continents merge sightseeing with daily life. Cash reigns supreme for fares, so stash Turkish lira for transactions. Ditch the map and soak up Istanbul’s magic hassle-free with local guides who know all the hidden gems.

Galata Tower

The Galata Tower, a Genoese-built medieval monument offering sweeping views of Istanbul and its waterways, stands tall near the equally historic Galata Bridge. It serves as both a bustling thoroughfare for locals and an emblematic spot where East meets West.

Nestled in Istanbul’s Galata neighbourhood, the medieval Galata Tower rises with its stone facade, marking a spot steeped in history. Originally built in the 14th century by the Genoese, it offers panoramic views of the city and Bosphorus.

On the other hand, the Galata Bridge is a bridge spanning the Golden Horn, connecting the old city centre with the Galata district. As you step onto Galata Bridge, the vitality of the crowd envelops you – every face aglow with the sheer wonder of the waterborne vistas unfolding before your eyes, a testament to the city’s irrepressible energy.

The crucial aspect of my journey to Istanbul was wandering its streets, from Galata Bridge bustling with fishermen to ferries navigating amid watchful seagulls—it’s cinematic. Strolling through Istanbul, you’ll catch the pulse of its streets and sense, the city’s lively essence woven with its coastal heartbeat.

Dolmabahce Palace

Balat, a historic Istanbul neighbourhood, boasts vibrant coloured buildings and a rich cultural tapestry. Once the heart of Jewish life, Balat now flourishes as a cultural quilt, woven with the lives and traditions of Turks, Greeks, Armenians, and Jews. Amidst its streets adorned with synagogues, the essence of community thrives in shared moments over steaming tea and crispy simit. Venture through Balat, and you’ll be enveloped by the true spirit of Istanbul – where animated market life and neighbourly banter offer a genuine slice of the city’s storied past.

In Balat, the echoes of a richly interwoven past are palpable as you wander by places of worship. These places include churches, synagogues, and mosques. Each stands as a proud monument to the neighbourhood’s tapestry of religious heritage. In conclusion, Balat thrives as a melting pot where the rich heritage of Sephardic Jews blends with Armenian and Kurdish artisanal traditions, breathing life into its historical fabric. The markets brim with activity, offering traditional crafts and contemporary art galleries nestled in historic edifices.

Galata Bridge Istanbul

Galata Bridge – Golden Hons

Not far off, the famed Galata Bridge arches across the Golden Horn. Here, where the sea meets the sky, the fishing’s great and the sunsets are straight out of a painter’s canvas – a match made in heaven for anyone who loves the great outdoors. As you meander through Balat’s charming streets, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee wafts from trendy cafes, while intricate mosaics and colourful textiles beckon from independently owned shops, each nook telling a tale of the neighbourhood’s rich past. My journey to Istanbul made me realize that wandering through Balat, you’re not just taking in the sights; you’re walking through history, with each building sharing its saga of cultural richness.

Traditional Artisans and age-old craft

Istanbul isn’t just postcard-perfect skylines; it thrives off hidden corners alive with laughter echoing down alleyways. This place feels special during quiet times, like when friends, both old and new, sit together for a drink under cover from the sudden hot weather in summer. Moreover, it is where gentle winds travel across lands to meet at the Bosphorus—a spot that stays the same but also changes just like ocean currents that shape beaches without us seeing. My journey to Istanbul, made me realize that strolling through its inviting narrow streets is not just a leisure walk, but an unforgettable experience committed to memory forever.

Even visitors who are just passing by feel at home here. Imagine a place where the clock seems to tick slower, where the rush of the world outside fades into the background, and all that’s left is the gentle rustle of calm. That’s what you’ll find here – a pocket of peace that resists the frenzy. People keep coming back because there’s something about it they can’t quite explain but love anyway.

My journey to Istanbul – Turkish Cuisine:

Engage with Turkey’s rich culinary traditions from bustling food bazaars to intimate meze tables. Step into the heart of Turkey’s culinary soul, where lively bazaars and cosy meze spreads tell tales of a rich cultural tapestry. Similarly, the country’s breakfast is legendary; imagine beginning your day with a spread of cheeses, olives, eggs, and more—a traditional Turkish breakfast in Istanbul that will have you savouring every bite. These morning meals often feature honeycomb and kayak paired with fresh bread like simit or pide—truly worth visiting one of the many acclaimed breakfast restaurants for an authentic experience.

Sampling Traditional Turkish Breakfast

Istanbul mornings promise epicurean delights, best savoured through a traditional Turkish breakfast. Imagine an array of cheeses, olives, eggs, and honeycomb, each item narrating a tale: creamy Kaymak reflects Anatolia’s lush pastures, spicy sucuk echoes vibrant spice markets, and simit offers a satisfying crunch with sesame seeds adding texture.

For savoury enthusiasts, menemen—an aromatic scramble with peppers and tomatoes—is a delight. Sweet lovers beckoned by baklava, each layer whispering of Ottoman opulence. Istanbul is not just a geographical crossroads but a gastronomic one too.

Enjoying Meze & Rakı Evenings during a journey to Istanbul

The sun dips below the horizon painting its hues only found on an artist’s palette—that’s when Istanbul truly comes alive. It’s time for meze and rakı evenings—the quintessential social dining experience here in Turkey. Small plates (mezes) are shared amongst friends as they clink glasses filled with rakı—a spirit flavoured like liquorice skies under which these gatherings flourish. It’s not just about the food or drink; it’s about souls intertwining through tales and laughter that bounce off the walls of ancient alleys. This journey let me experience the hustle and bustle of Istanbul during the night.

Indulging Street Food Adventures

In essence, if your taste buds deserve adventure too—take them out onto the cobblestone paths winding through Istanbul for some street food exploration. You’ll find carts brimming with grilled corn cobs glistening under city lights or vendors serving chickpeas boiled to perfection next to roasted chestnuts warming chilly hands passing by.

Give in to the delicious durum wraps filled with goodies: they have ground meat mixed with tasty herbs that you’ll enjoy with every bite. Or maybe try lahmacun, which is like a thin-crust pizza loaded with toppings, inviting you from the window displays.

Biting into the iconic balık ekmek, with its freshly grilled fish and crisp vegetables nestled in fluffy bread, you’re tasting a slice of Istanbul’s spirited street food tradition. A bite of balık ekmek not only satisfies your hunger but also connects you to the city’s rich history and tradition.

Strange ExpTurkish Hamams

 Remember it, diving into a Turkish hammam, is not just about getting clean. It is stepping into a ritual that weaves through the fabric of Istanbul’s history echoing social and cultural bath practices. As mentioned earlier, Hammams, the quintessential Turkish bathhouses, merge social customs with personal cleansing in a tranquil setting.

Turkey’s hammams are ancient wellness havens that have perfected the art of unwinding through time. Stepping into a Turkish hammam, you find more than just a place to bathe. It is where generations have honed the craft of deep relaxation.

Step into Istanbul’s historical hammams for a journey back in time, immersing in centuries-old wellness practices.  Turkish hammams beckon both locals and travellers to luxuriate in their lavish confines. These hot corners offer a warm embrace from the steam baths and refreshing skin with invigorating scrubs. Massages at these baths do more than just relax you.

In these marble havens, stress melts away alongside sweat and grime, as skilled attendants apply techniques refined over centuries. Reserve your spot for a private hammam experience, and prepare to enjoy a traditional ritual.

Surrendering to the Steam Rooms and Scrub Massages

The moment you enter a historical hammam, you’ll feel the hustle of daily life melt away. As you settle in, the gentle caress of warm steam begins its work, easing your muscles and preparing your skin. Then comes a vigorous scrub down by an attendant using a coarse mitt — sloughing dead skin and accelerating blood circulation. You emerge from this process feeling lighter both physically and spiritually.

Post-scrub, massages often follow—ranging from gentle effleurage to more intense pressure techniques to release tension knots. This is when you can truly appreciate why these baths have endured through empires; they’re sanctuaries for rejuvenation.

My Journey to Istanbul – Traditional Turkish Breakfast

Dive into the heart of Turkish street foods by starting your day as locals do. A plate heaped with menemen offers shuffled eggs cooked amidst peppers, tomatoes, onions, and spices. Moreover, börek pastries hide savoury fillings within their flaky layers. Sweets such as baklava remain highly recommended among both tourists and residents alike.

Meze Rakı Evenings during my Journey to Istanbul?

When it gets dark, people enjoy small dishes called meze together. They talk and laugh a lot while drinking rakı, a drink that tastes like liquorice. These get-togethers shine not just for the laughter or the rakı, but because they weave tight bonds between friends. This tradition is talked about in some episodes of the Amateur Traveler Podcast.

Indulging Street Food Adventures

Istanbul beckons visitors down its alleys not just for sights but tastes. .The allure of grilled corn cobs or boiled chickpeas from carts stands strong against time travel itself. From stuffed mussels to kokoreç skewers turning over grills right up to lahmacun, pizzas garnished liberally. Imagine wandering through bustling Turkish markets, surrounded by sizzling street vendors and tantalizing scents; each dish captures that magic.

No journey here would be complete without noting how each meal fits within daily life. Traditional dining hours might differ slightly from what you’re used to back home.

FAQs about My Journey to Istanbul.

Q.1. Safety during My journey to Istanbul.

Ans: In Istanbul, every second was a vivid brush stroke on the canvas of history. Roaming the labyrinth of historic markets, I found myself awestruck by Istanbul’s dramatic skyline etched with elusive structures.

Q.2. Did I feel safe during my journey to Istanbul?

Ans: Istanbul is generally safe for all. Just stay alert, mind the traffic, and keep an eye on your luggage like you would anywhere else.

Q.3. How many days are enough for a journey to Istanbul?

Ans: It takes around four days to cover the specific places in Turkey. If you want to explore places beyond the tourist spots the stay may be extended up to a week..

Q.4. What do I need to know before going to Istanbul Turkey?

Ans: Familiarize yourself with local customs, learn some basic Turkish phrases, and be ready for diverse weather conditions.

By Munir Jan

With over twenty years of writing experience, I have covered many subjects. Writing content and articles is something that genuinely excites me every time. Making learning enjoyable is what I do best, mixing a good dose of fun with plenty of actionable advice. My regular posts offering helpful perspectives have gradually built up my writing and my standing as an industry pro. Currently, I contribute to my website (, where I've published several articles and content and plan to release more on various topics soon. Right now, I focus mainly on Local and International Tourism/Travelling. Earning my Master’s in English Literature I have taught English literature for many years which has empowered me emblish my writing skill. Thrilled by the prospect of partnering with major names in the industry, I offer not just my writing skills but also genuine excitement about each new assignment.

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